
James Rolfe

James Rolfe is a man who loves videogames, and about two years ago decided to review some of the worst videogames that he has played throughout his live. Of course, he began with the NES ones. Soon after he had put some videos on the net (youtube), he gained popularity until he reached the top 100 or so.
On their reviews, he uses LOTS of insults like bullshit, ass,...Sometimes it seems that he uses way too much them, but I guess that he is just inside the "mind" of the Angry Videogame Nerd, his alter ego.

He also reviews films, and I've just found this series of videos: "You know what's bullshit".

I hope that you like it. And if you don't, at least you will have learnt some new insults! ;-)

1 comentario:

Moody dijo...

Sort per demà, Elsa!!! Amb l'anglès que tens segur que va bé!!!