
Summer will come and pass

I was watching TV this morning and I've seen this video stared Jamie Bell (Billy Eliot) and Evan RAchel Wood, actually this is the long version of Green Day's video. When I was 13 I loved Green Day and Offspring, but I liked the first one better. Songs of "Warning" were the songs of my 13's. If you have seen any video about "Across the Universe", film about Beatles songs that was released last year, you'll realise that Evan RAchel fictitious boyfriends always go to War (Irakian War ¿¿Irakian???. Poor girl, she's a persistant widow at 18.

Due to my "two weeks entirely in English" programme of study, I've been able to understand all the dialogues in the video. Yeah! In adittion to that, I'm reading "On Chesil Beach" in English, that is a book that I give to Litus as a present. Despite my efforts, I have serious problems with the pronunciation of words like "thoroughly"; it's nearly impossible to pronunciate for me. I'm going to study grammar now.
Enjoy the video!!!

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