
Do you feel the breath of time?

Flight ticket are bought and the exam rates was paid two months ago. Everyday I realise the moment to go London is coming near, and I think my English still hasn't improved like I'd had wanted, maybe I should make a two-month racing and try to study a little everyday (actually I study English three days per week)
However, I've got better my English listening, and most of the days I listen to music I understand the lyrics and it makes me feel so much better. But my grammar...
Well, don't worry Elsa! Keep calm!

3 comentarios:

Moody dijo...


Que bien!!! Ya empieza todo a estar preparadito... Que ilusión! Será una experiencia genial! Me alegro un monton de que lo hagais! :D:D! No te preocupes tanto, tu nivel está bien, y seguro que de aquí allí, hablas casi mejor que ellos :P


ALBERT dijo...

Hi, dude!

I've just registered in Talkconmigo.

I'm not sleepy. I got my eyes as opened as dishes...

I'm thinkint altought you're a little nazi, you're my best (female) friend.

I'm going to write or to wath something...

See you soon!

ALBERT dijo...


Fe de erratas:

thinkint --> thinking

altoght --> although

wath --> watch