
Born to destroy and born to create

So when you hear this autumn song,
clear your heads and get ready to run!

Two days ago, Albert and me promise going to London the next summer, Irene will join with us too. Actually, we also get involved to try to pass the First Certificate Exam in june. Sorry, now my English is so poor, simple and wrong. I am working to improve it. :)
I accept all kind of comments and suggestions.
(I've written this text without dictionary and maybe... it's possible you couldn't read it correctly. Sorry again.

3 comentarios:

Warman dijo...



You have room for improvement, so don'w worry!
But you should try to use the dictionary, at least after the writing.

Elsa dijo...

To have room! I've never heard this ¿expression? before. I'll try use the dictionary more often, but I'd like you and Litus check the mistakes in this blog if it's possible :) I have a lot of problem´s putting in order the words of a sentece.
** Como se diría:
- ¿No crées?
En el sentido de preguntarle a alguien si su opinión coincide con la tuya.


Warman dijo...

Don't you think?

I think this would be correct...

To have room for improvement: cuando aún tienes margen de mejora

I'd like to think that Lis could correct your mistakes, but I think he's too busy kissing Anna ;)