
I've just seen a face

I haven't written since 8 days ago and I've done too many things besides sleeping and working, of course. Firstly the funny New year Day at Marta's home, it was hilarious to be guessing films for 4 hours, it made the next day I were so tired celebrating the new year with family.
Albert was 24 four days later. He invited some friends to his home and we were playing Buzz Hollywood and other games. I gave him a beautiful "Rear Window" T-shirt, which unfortunately is too big.
At last, the day after we went to the cinema totally free. The film was "Across the Universe", the film isn't so good but have a good sound track. Thanks to the film I've discovered some new songs of the Beatles. Hear one of them.
Good luck at exams to everybody!!

Dios.. hoy he escrito el peor post en inglés de mi vida, y es llevo todo el día sufriendo pequeños accidentes que me estan mutilando parte de mis nudillos además de pitando en mis oidos. Terrible.!

1 comentario:

. : LiTuS : . dijo...

Vaya tela.
[Mode Profe = ON] Ya iba a darte un toque de atención. Pero te has salvado por los nudillos xD [Mode Profe = OFF]

Entonces tuviste una entrada de año completita no?

Bueno, mañana de vuelta a la rutinilla diaria. Si no me quedo pegado a las sábanas (y no llueve) empezaré mi particular cruzada pos-medioambiental: abandonaré mi cómodo y rápido trayecto universitario de 10-minutos-con-caravana de duración y pasaré a hacer el de 3/4 de hora a patita y cuesta arriba. Me irá bien el caminar y tomar aire fresco por las mañanas. Así seguro que llego bien despierto.
